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  1. Regular City Council Meeting

    Mayor & City Council | Calendar Event | 07/09/24 06:00pm

    parking at the Depot during Valley Quilters Guild events. Troy Vincent: • Stated he requested a parking ... Council Meeting Minutes Image Slideshow Display Contact Info Block Web Page Calendar Event Menu Settings ... Manager to Accept Funds in the Amount of $50,000 from the Mat- Su Borough for the Purpose of Funding ...

  2. Fire Training Center Drainage Improvements

    Public Works | Bid/RFP

    IMPROVEMENTS MASTER INDEX I. INVITATION TO BID II. SPECIAL PROVISIONS III. SUBMITTAL LIST IV. TEMPORARY ... first paragraph and substitute the following: Within five (5) calendar days after execution of contract, ... Slump Up to 10 cy/day: 1 Greater than 10 cy/day: 1 per 50 cy or portion thereof, not less than 2 Air ...

  3. Regular City Council Meeting

    Mayor & City Council | Calendar Event | 11/14/23 06:00pm

    11.14.2023_regular_meeting_minutes.pdf Image Slideshow Display Contact Info Block Web Page Calendar Event Menu Settings ... listed, and we added new maps, interpretive info, and pages to the guide to accommodate growth. Overview ... the symbol of the dairy products.- Matanuska Valley Historic Photo Project- Palmer’s online, ...

  4. Regular City Council Meeting- Please note date change due to Council training conflict

    Mayor & City Council | Calendar Event | 08/07/23 06:00pm

    01_2023-08-07_agenda_regular_-_v4.pdf 08.07.2023_minutes.pdf Image Slideshow Display Contact Info Block Web Page Calendar Event Menu ... Valley Rebuild F. REPORTS 1. City Manager’s Report 2. Mayor’s Report 3. City Clerk’s Report 4. City ... BUSINESS 1. Resolution No. 23-013-A: Support of The Designation of The Mat-Su Valley Planning For ...

  5. Regular City Council Meeting

    Mayor & City Council | Calendar Event | 03/26/24 06:00pm

    03.26.2024_signed_minutes.pdf Image Slideshow Display Contact Info Block Web Page Calendar Event Menu Settings ... $50,000 on Grant Writing and Architectural Services from the Capital Projects Funds in the Approved 2024 ... Manager to Spend up to $50,000 on Grant Writing and Architectural Services from the Capital Projects Funds ...

  6. Regular City Council Meeting

    Mayor & City Council | Calendar Event | 07/25/23 06:00pm

    01_2023-07-25_agenda_regular_-_final.pdf july_25_2023_minutes.pdf Image Slideshow Display Contact Info Block Web Page Calendar Event Menu ... No. 23-013-A: Support of The Designation of The Mat-Su Valley Planning For Transportation (MVP For ... of The Mat-Su Valley Planning For Transportation (MVP For Transportation) as the Metropolitan ...

  7. Regular City Council Meeting

    Mayor & City Council | Calendar Event | 10/24/23 06:00pm

    Calendar Event Menu Settings complete_packet_10.24.2023.pdf Regular City Council Meeting News Sort A to ... need to provide a list for with which to choose. • Budget meetings coming, suggested have question ... disclosures identified and discussed with us in the course of the audit that are listed immediately below have ...

  8. Regular City Council Meeting

    Mayor & City Council | Calendar Event | 09/24/24 06:00pm

    Slideshow Display Contact Info Block Web Page Calendar Event Menu Settings ... and look at our Reso 24-006 which is our public listing we share with our State, Federal and other ... interested parties. Essentially, it’s our list of what’s important to us. The first thing I will say about ...

  9. Planning & Zoning Commission Regular Meeting

    Community Development | Calendar Event | 09/19/24 06:00pm

    Slideshow Display Contact Info Block Web Page Calendar Event Menu Settings packet_09-19-24.pdf Planning ... on N. Valley Way for the Palmer Rail Trail. G. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION: Michelle Kincaid, Owner, ... Valley Hotel & Koslosky Center • Parking issues within the CBD; need to strengthen the code, not just ...

  10. Regular City Council Meeting

    Mayor & City Council | Calendar Event | 05/28/24 06:00pm

    05.28_regular_minutes_signed.pdf Image Slideshow Display Contact Info Block Web Page Calendar Event Menu Settings 05.28_packet.pdf ... for the above listed licenses within your jurisdiction. This is the notice required under AS ... application for the above listed license (see attached application documents) within your jurisdiction. This ...
