MatSu Orchestra

Music sheet and notes, "Special Performance" "Generously Provided by: Mat-Su Orchestra at the Palmer Depot"


This event not only filled our souls with the beautiful music from around the world but it also raised money for library programs, books, technology and other needs.

Thank you to all the wonderful people who made this event possible! The Matsu Orchestra for performing an incredible concert. The Friends who baked cookies, set up chairs, handed out programs, and stayed to clean up. The community who came out to fill the depot and fill up our donation box! Thank you, thank you!

Your generous donations raised $875 for the library! ❤️ The summer reading program, school break programs and so much more are only made possible with the financial support from the Friends. We are so thankful to have a community that values these programs and so much more by making donations to the Friends of the Palmer library!

Click any thumbnail image to view a slideshow

A large crowd of people watching the Mat-Su Orchestra
Two children reaching into a basket on stage
The Mat-Su Orchestra playing
A closeup of the crowd watching the orchestra
The string section of the orchestra playing
Several people getting cookies from a table
An empty room being mopped